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Oncology and Remote Monitoring: working in tandem webinar

3rd December 2024 , 11:00 to 12:00

Managing therapy side effects and symptoms and early detection of deterioration is crucial to oncology patients both in the treatment and post treatment stages. Remote Monitoring has proven to support this need with reduction in symptom burden and improved post treatment recovery. This webinar will present the use of remote monitoring in the oncology field, with two case studies that demonstrate its value.

Join us on our newly added webinar in our series to hear from our guest speaker Dr Simone Lubowitzki-Lexhaller MA, Medical University of Vienna, share her work on ‘Symptom management of oncology patients across the EU utilising Doc@Home Remote Patient Monitoring platform.’ 

Adrian Flowerday, MD of Docobo Remote Monitoring, present on ‘Transforming Care after Treatment – The use of patient reported outcomes and experience measures (PROM/PREM’s) to support folk after treatment.

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