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End-of-Life Care: Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPACCs)

Graphnet’s End-of-Life Care solution empowers health and social care sectors by providing a unified approach to palliative and end-of-life care.

Clinicians, care staff, patients and their carers can jointly plan end of life care with the security of knowing that up-to-date information, assessments and records are available to authorised users where and whenever they need them.

Our EPaCCS Record offers a staged approach to end of life planning. Each stage builds on the information gathered in the last, ensuring the patient’s wishes are intuitively recorded and respected as they progress towards the end of life.

Supporting Key Sectors with a Unified System

Graphnet’s End-of-Life record integrates seamlessly into the Shared Care solution and other existing health and social care infrastructures, providing an intuitive, single-sign-on experience.

It supports various sectors, including:

  • Primary Care (GPs): Enables the registration and creation of end-of-life records directly from systems like EMIS Web.
  • Hospitals: Hospital doctors using platforms such as iPM can access and update records in real time.
  • Out-of-Hours Services: Clinicians using systems like Adastra can view and contribute to the shared record without additional logins.
  • Ambulance Services: Ambulance crews can identify patients with end-of-life plans before dispatch, improving response and care coordination. 
  • Social Care Providers: Enables integration with care planning systems, ensuring that social care teams have real-time access to patient records.

End of Life key features

  • GPs and other authorised users are able to register a patient and create an end of life record for that patient
  • Graphnet Shared Care fully interacts with primary care systems and will automatically pull through key clinical data such as demographics, current medications, allergies and adverse drug reactions from GP systems
  • The system collects end of life data such as health and social care teams, carers, care plans, prognosis and preferred place of death
  • Any changes and new information feed immediately through to the record. This gives all authorised users immediate access to up to date and complete records
  • Ambulance staff are able to identify people with end of life plans prior to despatch
  • Graphnet can send automated alerts to specified people and teams for key events
  • Enables reporting and analysis on the people with end of life plans and on the effectiveness of their management

Benefits for Patients, Families, and Providers

Patient wellbeing is at the forefront of what we do at Graphnet. Our end-of-life care solution is thoughtfully designed to provide compassionate and sensitive support for everyone involved in a patient’s care journey.

Here are some of its key benefits: 

  • Patient Empowerment: Encourages early identification of end-of-life needs, allowing patients to make informed choices about their care.
  • Seamless Integration: Embeds Graphnet Shared Care within operational systems, streamlining access and reducing administrative burden.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Supports partnerships between health and social care providers for consistent and compassionate care.
  • Improved Outcomes: Increases the likelihood of patients passing in their preferred place of care while minimising distress for families.

To learn more about how Graphnet’s End-of-Life Care solution can enhance care coordination in your sector, contact our team today.