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St Catherine’s Bungalows improves care and support for residents with Learning Disabilities using remote monitoring

12 May 2022

Care home staff and residents have benefitted from the new remote monitoring platform which has made caring for residents safer, easier and more effective, as well as cutting down on GP surgery time.

Background to remote monitoring project

The remote monitoring enabled delivery of care programme is a collaborative, multi-disciplinary project delivered by partners across health and social care, including: NHS Coventry and Warwickshire CCG, NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, NHS George Eliot Hospital, NHS Integrated Care Community, NHS South Warwickshire Foundation Trust, Warwickshire County Council, North Warwickshire Primary Care Networks and Arden and Gem CSU. St Catherine’s is a specialist Learning Disability provider, caring for around 16 people with very complex care needs, with care provided by a well-trained, highly experienced and dedicated staff team. St Catherine’s is part of the charity: Father Hudson’s Care, which, through a range of services, offers help and support to those who are disadvantaged, marginalised or experiencing need.

St Catherine’s is part of the remote monitoring programme run by Coventry and Warwickshire CCG, and the teams worked together to roll out the DOC@HOME platform across the site. This platform enables staff to take residents’ readings such as blood pressure and blood oxygen, record symptoms and feedback via the system to the GP surgery. This helps staff to better support and care for residents with learning disabilities, as well as reducing avoidable hospital visits and any administrative burden.

Helen Anson is the Registered Manager St Catherine’s Bungalows and has been leading the project from the site. She explains:

We have an ongoing arrangement with the Hazelwood Group Practice in Coleshill to support our residents’ medical needs. We used to have two daily GP appointments booked with the surgery, but since we have started Docobo remote monitoring, we have been able to cancel these appointments and our weekly GP support. This is because we are carrying out all our daily monitoring for our residents and this is all sent on the system to the Out of Hours Integrated Care Coordination (ICC) clinicians. If there are any problems flagged up, they are automatically picked up and the clinician will get in touch to ensure the right support is provided to residents quickly.

How did the project work?

The team at St Catherine’s Bungalows worked with the Docobo team to roll out the project. The care home was supplied with devices to take resident readings and to send the residents’ clinical reviews to the ICC. The DOC@HOME® tablet helps staff to record a resident’s observations and symptoms either on a regular basis or when they fall ill and send any changes automatically and securely. Staff can also use the DOC@HOME® tablet to answer a series of simple questions about residents’ current status during normal checks to ensure any changes are noted and can be acted upon quickly.

The staff at St Catherine’s were supported throughout the project rollout, including training to use the tablet and software and training staff to take blood pressure and blood oxygen readings and record symptoms. The staff worked with the project team to create question sets to use for regular check ups.

Adrian Flowerday, Managing Director of remote monitoring says:

Helen and team  did amazing work to make the LD project a success. They dedicated time to work with the project team, trialled the concept and supported the evaluation of the trial.

Benefits from the remote monitoring project

Helen says:

The remote monitoring is really easy to use and really helps our residents. It means that we get a more informed response from multi-disciplinary health care professionals and our staff are trained and upskilled to take blood pressure and blood oxygen readings and observe symptoms, while residents stay in their preferred place of care. It has been particularly helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic, when face to face care was dramatically impacted.

Prior to using Docobo remote monitoring, if we needed to speak to the surgery staff, we could be in a queue of over 50 other callers, which could take up to 25 valuable minutes to get through, only to be told they needed to call back tomorrow when we could go through the same scenario. Using Docobo remote monitoring has helped save time for staff, so they can continue to focus on supporting the residents, rather than being on the phone for long periods of time.

We have had several outcomes where Docobo remote monitoring has provided support quickly to residents, including obtaining much needed antibiotics on a Sunday afternoon. The clinician arranged for the prescription to be emailed to a chemist near to where we are.

Additional GP surgery benefits

Mandy Roche, Practice Manager at Hazelwood Group Practice says:

We’ve had some really great reductions in the care home needing to make GP contacts since rolling out the system, further enhancing the evidence that the system is really working well.