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Docobo interfaces with TPP’s SystmOne to create ‘single sign on’ for remote health monitoring data

17 October 2023

GPs and other healthcare professionals using TPP’s SystmOne will be able to access Docobo’s DOC@HOME patient data using single sign on, thanks to a new interface between the solutions.

Docobo’s DOC@HOME is a market leading remote monitoring solution used across care homes, virtual wards and in other settings and enables healthcare providers to adopt new ways of delivering out of hospital care, improving efficiency, quality and outcomes while monitoring patients at home. SystmOne is a pioneering clinical system which supports TPP’s vision of a ‘one patient, one record’ model of healthcare. Using SystmOne, clinicians can access a single source of information detailing a patient’s contact with health services across their lifetime.

Healthcare professionals logged into TPP’s SystmOne (in all healthcare settings) will be able to view Docobo’s DOC@HOME patient data from within SystmOne quickly and easily – meaning they can see the patient’s latest remote monitoring observations, which might include: temperature, blood oxygen level, blood pressure and any recorded symptoms. The information will support clinical decision making about patients – providing a baseline of readings to help inform the clinician.

Dr John Parry, Clinical Director at TPP said:  “Patient care in their own home using technology is ever increasing. I am glad to see the use of our single sign on process, as it makes data access quicker for hard pressed clinicians. I also look forward to further developments in the data interoperability area.”

Adrian Flowerday, Managing Director of Docobo comments: ‘We are very pleased to have completed this work with TPP, this marks and important milestone for us of collaboration and interoperability.’

“Patient care in their own home using technology is ever increasing. I am glad to see the use of our single sign on process, as it makes data access quicker for hard pressed clinicians. I also look forward to further developments in the data interoperability area.” Dr John Parry,Clinical Director, TPP