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Docobo Remote Monitoring is accredited to MESH for patient health monitoring data

20 August 2020

Docobo Remote Monitoring accredited to MESH for patient health monitoring data

Docobo Remote Monitoring has been accredited to NHS Digital’s Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH) – the main NHS service used to transfer information across health and social care organisations. Most GP practices use MESH to receive patient information from hospitals and test results.

The DOC@HOME remote monitoring solution – proven and in use already in NHS sites across the UK – enables healthcare professionals to remotely monitor patients’ vital signs and symptoms, whether related to their long-term condition or if they are unwell or exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. The new accreditation enables DOC@HOME to send a range of messages directly to MESH compliant receiving systems, such as GP, Community and Acute EPRs. Messages can contain notifications of change in a patient’s condition, clinical telehealth and ECG reports in pdf format, vital signs, etc. DOC@HOME can be configured to automatically send these messages or allow clinical teams to manually send messages to colleagues involved in the care of the patient. Messages typically appear on the task list of the receiving system.

This new development enables remote patient monitoring hubs to seamlessly inform GPs and other clinical staff of issues that they need to be aware of and manage. It is system-agnostic and will allow DOC@HOME to send messages to any suitably accredited MESH receiving system.

The Docobo Remote Monitoring Solution is now regularly sending telehealth information into GP systems with no interoperability costs.

“We are delighted to be accredited to MESH and it means that we can continue to enhance remote monitoring services by sharing vital information about a patient whilst meeting critical standards."  Adrian Flowerday Managing Director, Docobo